Redarc booth at Overland Expo West 2021

Overlanders Head To Overland Expo West 2021

A Successful Weekend of Overlanding Gear and Classes at Overland Expo West 2021

Crowd walking down aisle at Overland Expo West 2021

After taking a year off due to COVID precautions in 2020, people were ready to see their friends and all the new overlanding offerings at Overland Expo West 2021 in Flagstaff, Arizona, September 22 – 24, 2022. A successful event for many, the crowd was ready to camp, attend classes and shop for new gear. Show discounts were a plenty and companies showed up with enough inventory to keep most happy. And of course, there was no lack of awesome truck, van, SUV and earth mover builds to see.

New Gear at Overland Expo West 2021

Overlanding gear was at every turn and down every aisle. Companies, such as Step 22, brought their soon-to-be-released gear. It was exciting to see the selections of items coming to market soon from various companies. Other companies had booths this year that perhaps weren’t at previous year’s Overland Expo. Product selections did not disappoint. A water filtration system caught our eye by Guzzle H2O, along with the recovery gear from Deadman Offroad.

New storage gear at Overland Expo West 2021

New storage gear at Overland Expo West 2021

Deadman Offroad booth at Overland Expo West 2021

Water filtration system at Overland Expo West 2021

Vehicle Builds That Impressed

A highlight of all Overland Expo events are the vehicle builds. Whether in a booth to show off product or on display in the new DIY vehicle section, solutions for your overland build questions were a plenty. Overland Expo West 2021 did not disappoint in that arena. We saw plenty of eye catching builds and many large expedition vehicles that inspired thoughts of selling the house and hitting the road full time.

Gray Roamr truck at Overland Expo West 2021

White Lexus GX at Overland Expo West 2021

Bliss Expedition vehicle at Overland Expo West 2021

Land Cruiser in camoflauge at Overland Expo West 2021

Each year, Overland Expo brings a more than worthwhile experience to all overlanders. From a novice to an expert, there is something for everyone who is looking to expand their knowledge or collection of goods. From the 2019 event to this most recent one, there was so much to see we didn’t have nearly enough time to see it all. For the investment cost, it is worth the weekend away. Camping on site adds the convenience of getting on grounds early to pick up the sought after hot item. Many people rode bicyles and e-bikes back and forth from the camp ground to the exhibit area. Looking for only a daytime experience? They also have you covered with parking off site and a shuttle to bring you in. While we heard shuttle lines were long, it did not prevent people from taking advantage of the amenity.

Overland Expo East 2021 is Next Week

There’s still time to catch an Overland Expo event, especially if you live on the east coast. Overland Expo East 2021 is just around the corner, October 8-10, 2021 in Arrington, Virginia. We recommend attending if you’re building a rig, looking for new gear, or simply in search of something to do that weekend and you live in the area. You won’t be disappointed with the vast array of information, gear, builds, shopping deals and friendly faces in attendance.