Paralysis By Analysis

How much information are you capable of ingesting at any given time? Everybody is different, but when there is so much data flowing at you at any given time that you cannot enjoy your surroundings or take in the experience then it has become overdone.

It is easy to get consumed in this day and age by the wizardry of electronics. Monitoring vehicle vitals, cellular voice, data and text, HAM and CB, GPS location monitoring, GPS navigation, two-way radios, NOAA weather monitoring, topography maps, sticky notes; the list goes on and on and does not stop.So, what is really necessary to go on an adventure? Not much. Much of this technology has not been accessible until the last decade. The iPad has not even been around for 10 years yet. Our ancestors have conquered the planet with nothing more than paper maps and a sextant.

When outfitting your vehicle, keeping it simple is the best way to go about it. By doing research on what fits you best, you can avoid being paralyzed by too much information and losing out on the whole reason you got out into the woods in the first place. Plus, no one wants to be “that guy.”

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